Tuesday 7 July 2015

A Tale of Blogging

I first started blogging back in 2012, inspired by the likes of Kenza, Lily Melrose etc... you all know the big names.

I saw blogging as a challenge and a fun little hobby, and hard work over the first year resulted in invitations to some amazing events and receiving great samples from companies to try and test. That's what every blogger strives to achieve right?! 

Feeling 'mehhh'. It is true that you have to put in a lot of hard work to become a successful blogger, which was brilliant when I looked forward to waking up every day to write. That was until blogging started to feel more like work because I was forcing myself to write about topics I no longer had as much interest in as I did when I had just started out at 22. On top of that, blogging can be extremely time consuming. It is as much about interacting and networking with those who have similar interests, which does not feel as rewarding as it should when your heart is not fully committed to the cause. The best bloggers allow their personality to shine through their writing, which is difficult when you have to force yourself to be consistent.

There is no harm in taking a break. The internet is going nowhere, and taking time out to rest and recuperate might be just what you need to come up with original ideas. During my year long on/off break, I realised how much I actually missed blogging! When life gets in the way, it is ok to let blogging take a back seat and know that there is nothing to feel guilty about. 

Time to take a new direction. New interests, growing up, and big changes can mean that what you used to blog about are no longer a huge part of your life anymore. Change is good, and switching things up to write about what you want rather than following a theme of what you're expected to write is a major realisation that will make you feel much happier in the long term.  

A clean slate can be refreshing and motivating. By all means I will treasure my first blog and continue to be inspired by what I achieved over the space of 2 years. Right now, life is lovely calm and stable. I am lucky enough to be in a perfect relationship, have a larger than life group of friends, a big family and feet firmly settled in a career with great prospects. Life is fab! This means I have more time to blog as more of a means of relaxing and enjoying my time off.

What's more, I now have time to kick back and enjoy getting into the habit of reading the blogs that I used to follow religiously. After all, interacting with people who love what they do is the biggest inspiration of all!  

Soooooo after all that, I am super happy to call blogging my hobby once again! Has anybody else ever felt the need to start from scratch after a blogging break?


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